National Academic Depository


The vision of National Academic Depository (NAD) is born out of an initiative to provide an online store house of all academic awards. National Academic Depository (NAD) is a 24X7 online store house of all academic awards viz.certificates, diplomas, degrees, mark-sheets etc. duly digitised and lodged by academic institutions / boards / eligibility assessment bodies. NAD not only ensures easy access to and retrieval of an academic award but also validates and guarantees its authenticity and safe storage. read more..


NAD is a complete system for Issuing Online Certificates to Well Identified and Registered Students. NAD integrates directly with Boards / Universities who issue Certificates and hence ensures Authenticity of Certificate Records.

NAD will develop an online portfolio of all education certificates for every Citizen across Academic Institutions (Universities / Boards / Assessment Bodies) which can be submitted easily for employment, higher education, and loan and is easily trusted and verified.

NAD will be an active online place for Students, Academic Institutions and Verification Users. NAD brings in deterrence factor for people who wish to think that paper certificates can be easily forged / created and as verification processes are costly and inefficient they can use the arbitrage. By doing so it also brings trust and credibility to genuine certificate holders and makes their certificates trusted and easily accepted.

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