The DAP in the university was set up in the year 2010, in the last year this was started with the guest faculty and the local departmental coordinator. In this year overwhelming response was found from the students, the entrance exam was qualified by ------ students, counseling was conducted for two days on ----- & ------. However due to limitation of the physical infrastructure many students were not enrolled in spite of good response from various states of the country. Department is trying to attract a few International students for their research activities, after the issuance of guidelines from university for international students. Presently M.Sc.-III semester students number is 23 and M.SC.-I semester students are 40. A good laboratory is going to be equipped in the department for the M.Sc., studnets. Very Soon the department is going to in-house with the 5Ci Am-Be neutron source and procuring the gamma chamber of very high activity. Perhaps this may be the only university in India to have the very high activity neutron source and gamma chamber under single roof. Indian Environmental Radiation Monitoring network (IERMON) will be installed with the help of BARC in the month of October 2011. We are putting our best efforts to make these activities par excellence in co-ordination with the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) and other institutes of National Importance. There are around 20 universities and around 30 research scholars, working on various interdisciplinary research activities. Low Background Counting System for radioactivity analysis such as 226Ra, 232Th, 40K will be installed soon for the practical activities of the students, a range of radioactive sources will be made available for the students of M.Sc and research scholars. A few of the faculties are working with the nano science research.
Major and Minor Facilities
- Low Background Counting System (HPGE & Atomtex)
- Dosimetry of neutron and Gamma using Conducting Polymers and SSNTD’s
- Low Beta Counting Setup
- MRF and RF Enhancement Setup for Hall Effect Studies & Dosimetry
- Development of new Thermoluninescence Materials & its Dosimetry Applications.
- Development of Conducting Polymers
- Four Probe Setup
- Microscope for Track Measurements
- Alpha source for Thickness Measurement
- Centrifuge machine
- Muffle furnace (12000C)
- Spark counter
- TLD Reader
- Electronic Balance
- G M Counter
- Distillation Set up